
First race in the Enduro One Series

The first stop of the Enduro One Series 2017 in Frammersbach is coming up soon, so let’s just quickly wrap up, what happened so far.

The events last year were great fun, so I signed up for 2017 as soon as the registration was open. Turns out, this was a pretty good idea, since the demand was extraordinary.

Some of the other enduro races are not taking place this year, so the slots were quite sought-after. Lucky me. But woah – take a look at the competition! The experience and skill level of the riders taking part in the upcoming races is just massive. This will be a hard one…


wildschönau enduro one registration


The first race –  Enduro One Wildschönau

I remember when I decided to sign up last year. I was a little uncertain, if I could do it. I decided to give it a try anyhow and see what happens. You can always skip, right? Hah!


wildschönau enduro one stage 1


I thought Wildschönau (the only event in Austria) would be just perfect to make my first encounter. Little did I know, that I chose one of the harder races of the series to begin with – but it was all worth it!

The second race – Enduro One Dünsberg

In August I drove up to Hessen, Germany for my second race. It was an easy choice, since I grew up in the area and my family still lives there. Dünsberg was close to my home town, but (to be honest) I had never heard of it before. I was impressed that that there is quite a mountain bike scene now. The race went fine and I was happy to see my fellow racers again.


wildschönau enduro one jump


All in all the two races were lots of fun and a great challenge. If you want to start racing, this is definitely a series to begin with. My advice would be to plan and train quite some time in advance. And if you are confident – give it a try!

Looking forward for more to come!

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